PANIK! (Torschlusspanik), is an interactive animated short film, inspired by stories of endless deadlines and goals, feelings of anxiety and panic, coming from the German word Torschlusspanik. The project takes a hybrid approach, combining 3D and 2D animation with interactive components. The story is about a young artist who meets creative challenges but when she runs out of ideas, she falls into a surreal, protean particle world. The audience can help her by picking up the beaming motes, inspirations that shine amongst the swirling chaos of possibilities.
Breakdown: Character design/Look development/ Animation/ Lighting/ Render
Tools: Maya/TVPaint/Unreal Game Engine 4/Substance Painter/Zbrush
Tools: Maya/TVPaint/Unreal Game Engine 4/Substance Painter/Zbrush
Unreal Engine 4